Been a while since I posted. When I started this blog I wanted to make sure to keep updating it and I have kinda failed at that but, now I'll redeem myself. Since my last post my life has been consiting of the same four things as it has for a while school, work, riding, and girls in order of time consumption. Last week Wes Seigler himself came to ride(and fall off his bike) with me and E. We got to talking about where we wanna take this team and if we wanna add more guys and I'm pretty happy about what were planning. It really got me pumped for next year I'm already praying for Feb. to roll around. To ease my nonracing pains I'm slowly building a cross bike for the winter. I have to give a shoutout to Carrie(I think thats how he spells it) Shields from carolina masters for hooking me up with his old Trek cross frame that should be here in the mail soon. I also have to say thanks for Dan who after breaking his new Ti Litespeed and almost borrowing my carbon seigler is offering to help build my cross rig. Congrats on the team also Dan.
School has been pretty good this year im pretty sure I have all A's and for the last day of the first quarter of my senior year my Leadership Skills class is holding a mock presidential election. I'll post the results once we find it all out. We managed a way to poll every kid in Ocean Lakes High School. It's a really fun project!
As Halloween rolls around and all the decorations at TJ-Maxx(where I work) get cut in price and walked out the door by managers for cheap, I can't help but think about the fast approching holidays. I always like to try and guess the big "gift of the year" Leave a comment with your idea if you wanna try and guess along. My guesses have to be the new Ipod Nano or the Wii yet again. As far as bike stuff goes I think the thing topping most cyclist X-mas list will be the usual things: exspencive glasses, winter clothes, race tech for the coming season, and shoes.
That's why everybody talks about it
6 years ago