Thursday, October 30, 2008

Whats been going on and whats going through my head

Been a while since I posted. When I started this blog I wanted to make sure to keep updating it and I have kinda failed at that but, now I'll redeem myself. Since my last post my life has been consiting of the same four things as it has for a while school, work, riding, and girls in order of time consumption. Last week Wes Seigler himself came to ride(and fall off his bike) with me and E. We got to talking about where we wanna take this team and if we wanna add more guys and I'm pretty happy about what were planning. It really got me pumped for next year I'm already praying for Feb. to roll around. To ease my nonracing pains I'm slowly building a cross bike for the winter. I have to give a shoutout to Carrie(I think thats how he spells it) Shields from carolina masters for hooking me up with his old Trek cross frame that should be here in the mail soon. I also have to say thanks for Dan who after breaking his new Ti Litespeed and almost borrowing my carbon seigler is offering to help build my cross rig. Congrats on the team also Dan.
School has been pretty good this year im pretty sure I have all A's and for the last day of the first quarter of my senior year my Leadership Skills class is holding a mock presidential election. I'll post the results once we find it all out. We managed a way to poll every kid in Ocean Lakes High School. It's a really fun project!
As Halloween rolls around and all the decorations at TJ-Maxx(where I work) get cut in price and walked out the door by managers for cheap, I can't help but think about the fast approching holidays. I always like to try and guess the big "gift of the year" Leave a comment with your idea if you wanna try and guess along. My guesses have to be the new Ipod Nano or the Wii yet again. As far as bike stuff goes I think the thing topping most cyclist X-mas list will be the usual things: exspencive glasses, winter clothes, race tech for the coming season, and shoes.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sorry for the break in updates

So the road rash that I got on my hip got infected and made me really sick Thursday night after work.  In the matter of about a hour I went from getting ready to Greenville to shaking on my couch with a 102.5 fever.  After that my weekend went downhill pretty fast no racing and riding for a few days the doc gave me some pills to fight the infection and it all fells better but, looks disgusting. im hoping to get back to riding earl this week.  Wes has already given me the beginning of my winter training plan and it looks like fun. I think starting work has really helped my focus on training because I'm not thinking about the bike all the time.  When I'm on the bike I get my workouts done and the after I now have school and work to focus on.

Just Some Food for Thought

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sore much?

I have to say thank you to the girlfriend for just helping me change my bandages. Sore was an understatement for my morning. After I popped a few Advil and went to the bike shop to give John my replacement hoods(r.i.p. my white hoods) I started to feel better. Thanks to T. and K-blogg for the comments and extra props to Tyler for the shout out. I think its about time for more Advil some stretching and a bit of rest. All the facebook and myspace fiends do me a favor and add the respective Seigler facebook and myspace.

Thanks for the shout out T.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Have to say I like this...

Lil Wayne is pretty awesome


So after a great night filled with football and movie watching where Ocean Lakes pulled off a amazing win over Kellam(sorry y'all) I didn't have the best ride this Saturday morning. We started out fine it was a fairly big group out of Fat Frogs this morning including special guest Mr. Tyler Karnes himself and teammate Elliott Craddock. After about eight miles of good tempo riding I stood up to bridge a gap and tried to click into a bigger gear, my chain slipped while I was down pedaling on my right foot. All my weight shifted to my right side and I bit the dust. Managed to avoid causing damage to others and to destroy a brand new pair of the new seigler bibs and a longsleeve jeresy. As far as injuries go im pretty skinned up on my hip and got a nice red patch on my shoulder and knee, but skin will heal. I just hope this doesn't dampen performance for the Greenville Cycling Classic next weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things to add to your blog roll
  • This blog
  • TOP notch bikes
Silver CCR

CCR Frame

White CCR frame

Seigler TT frame

Goals for right now....

I think goals are a good way to sort out your life in a more organized fashion. We use this skill almost everyday in my Leadership Skills class. If I had to list my top 5 goals right now they would be.
  • Graduate with honors(G.P.A. 3.0 or higher)
  • Get into a good school
  • Enjoy my last year in high school
  • Be a faster/smarter bike racer
  • Become a professional cyclist before I become 20

Intro to my life....

Hi all,
My name is Lucas Harville but, you can call me Luke. I am a 16 year old student/cyclist. I love to ride and race my bike I have been riding for going on 5 years. I will mostly talk about cycling and school on this blog it is really 95% of my life. Cycling was introduced to me by my dad Wil who has been riding off and on for about 30 years since he was in college. I started bike racing with Fat Frogs Racing(great bunch of guys).
Me and now teammate John Gaudio racing at Southside Speedway

I raced with them for my first 3 seasons then my jr teammate Elliott Craddock went up to Wes Seigler at interbike in 2007 and asked if he wanted to take a few jr racers under his wing. This year I've been making huge improvments in performance largly thanks to the new team of Seigler Sports and coach Wes. The other things in my life i love would be my dogs Lexi and Oliver, hanging out with friends, and cooking.

Heading to Wintergreen State Hill Climb 2008
CSC Invitational 2008